Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I need to be Tortuous

So we all read the story of the tortuous and hare growing up. The Hare is the fastest runner but of course the Tortuous wins the race. How does that happen? We are feel we should go full force ahead to accomplish our goals. How often have you grown tired and given up to early? There is a line of a song I like that says, "I try too hard and then I give up way too easily..." I feel like thats me sometimes. 

We try to always go above and beyond. Dont get me wrong I dont feel like there anything wrong with that but maybe its not always the best way to get to the end. The Tortuous just did he best and kept doing his best and never gave up. He didnt feel defeated as the hare ran by, he just kept going. 

I feel like I get deterred as I see someone run by me and seeming be so much better than me. I feel like eh I cant ever be that so Ill just stop and try something else. You never get where you are going that way. My challenge is to slow down and stay steady. I like the first part of Heb 12 as it talks about endurance. You ask any distant runner and they know its not about speed its about pace and its about not giving up. 

I feel like the principal illustrated by the Tortuous can be implied in so many areas of my life. I challenge you to be slow and steady. Continue forward with endurance in your life and dont give me.

1 comment:

  1. JLynn,
    What a beautiful blog. You commented on my entry concerning Pathological Liars. I am a Christian also. You Inspired me to post the books onto my blog that has to do with Sociopath's. You will be kept in my prayers. Blogging Sisters in Christ,
