Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I need to be Tortuous

So we all read the story of the tortuous and hare growing up. The Hare is the fastest runner but of course the Tortuous wins the race. How does that happen? We are feel we should go full force ahead to accomplish our goals. How often have you grown tired and given up to early? There is a line of a song I like that says, "I try too hard and then I give up way too easily..." I feel like thats me sometimes. 

We try to always go above and beyond. Dont get me wrong I dont feel like there anything wrong with that but maybe its not always the best way to get to the end. The Tortuous just did he best and kept doing his best and never gave up. He didnt feel defeated as the hare ran by, he just kept going. 

I feel like I get deterred as I see someone run by me and seeming be so much better than me. I feel like eh I cant ever be that so Ill just stop and try something else. You never get where you are going that way. My challenge is to slow down and stay steady. I like the first part of Heb 12 as it talks about endurance. You ask any distant runner and they know its not about speed its about pace and its about not giving up. 

I feel like the principal illustrated by the Tortuous can be implied in so many areas of my life. I challenge you to be slow and steady. Continue forward with endurance in your life and dont give me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Its funny how we don't see the value of rest.

God sees and has always seen the value of it. We don't appreciate the gift rest is. In the old testament they even had a day commanded just for rest. God rested after 6 days of creating the Earth. He was satisfied and He rested.

How often do we feel satisfied with our work and rest? Its true the Bible commands hard work. Paul says in his writings if you don't work, you don't eat. Soloman refers the toils of work under the sun. Colosianns tells us that whatever we do in word or deed to do all to the Lord. So yes we should work hard, but how many times does Jesus say come to me and I will give you rest.

Rest is a precious gift. Being content and resting. Spending time in quiet and peace heals us so much. I am the world's worst at scheduling every free moments I have. We want to do everything, see everybody, and never let anyone down. We want to be all we can be and help everyone. Its a noble ambition at times but it wears us out. Often that quiet time with God gets lost. Remember He says, "be still and know that I am God."  That's a pretty direct command. Also our bodies are made for rest. When we don't rest, we are tired and warn down. How effective can we be when we are exhausted? Temptation seeks in easier and we aren't glorifying God is all we do.

I challenge us all to take time to rest. If you are like me and you like to have your calender full, then perhaps it will taking putting rest and quiet time on your calender. Remember Jesus is our example and He took time away from everyone and all the distractions to rest and refocus. Cant we do the same :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

A wise out saying explored

ok how many of you have heard this (or perhaps said it to someone).....
"if you dont like something change it. If you cant change it, change the way you feel about it."
There are variations of it of course and all and all I like the saying. it goes right along with what Paul says in Phillipians "do all things with about complaining"  and even can go with other verses about "rejoice always."
As i said all in all i like the statement. its true that we are in control of our day to day happiness and sometimes you just have to force yourself to look at the class as half full when all you can see is the air in the top half.
Herels   my do you know what things you can change and what things you should just accept. Ive been struggling with that concept. At what point is saying "I am who I am" settling for less than we could be and when is it a decleration of being content with how God made us.
I dont have an answer. If you do, great Id love to hear it. The one challenage I do pose is that you should fully consider a situation and pray about it before you decide to either be miserable trying to change it or accept it and learn to love it.

*disclaimer this was typed on my phone and the moblie view is poor.*

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I dont have to understand

So its been a while since I posted. A lot has happened in the world.......

Alabama was hit by deadly storms that changed peoples lives forever in moments. We cant ever prepare pychsically for these things. They happen. Disasters come on large and small scales that change our lives. I pray for these people that lost some much and so many. I heard an amazing story of how the hospital was just missed near UA as the tornado came through. Just think how many more lives would be lost if the hospital had taken a hit. Not only the people currently in the hospital but the ER was filled with over 600 people that day. All this reminds me of a line in a song I like.....

"The path way is broken and the signs are unclear and I dont know the reasons why You brought me here, but just because You love me the way that You do, I'm gonna walk through the fire if you want me too."

God's here and God loves us. He doesnt leave us ever no matter what. Help each other remember this and focus on the fact that you are loved and cared for no matter what. Be thankful for what we have but dont forget those who have lost so much.
